FAS Computer Services to Harvard University IT: (617) 495-7777.
What is procmail? |
is a mail filtering program. It allows
to redirect mail from certain addresses or containing suspicious
Subject headers directly to the garbage.
Configuring procmail. |
To setup procmail you need to create 2 files in your home directory.
The first file ".forward" contains the line
and has the effect that your mail will be piped through the procmail
filter. On a Linux box, you don't need to have a .forward file
and the program procmail is at a different place.
The second file ".procmailrc" contains the filtering data.
The following example of a .procmailrc file:
* ^From.*spammer.sircam.com*
* ^Subject: .*xxxx
! nobody.edu
discards all mail from pammer.sircam.com
and sends all mail containing "xxxx" in the subject to the garbage.
It then sends a copy of the mail to the address nobody.edu.
A word of advise |
Be on the safe side with filtering your mail. You might filter
away mail you actually wanted to see. You can change the Unix
garbage "/dev/null" in the above filter to a file in your
home directory and empty this from time to time.