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Unix is a 37 years old operating system. It is known as a reliable multi-user
and multi-tasking system which is well scalable.
The internet is based heavily on Unix technology.
There are about
80 Unix flavours.
Examples are AIX, FreeBSD, HP Unix, DarwinOSX, Linux, or Solaris.
A short list of unix commands.
Unix philosophy:
(See also Simplicity, clarity, generality ).
- Small is beautiful
- Make each program do one thing well
- Build a prototype as soon as possible
- Choose portability over efficiency
- Store data in flat ASCII files
- Use shell scripts to increase portability
- Avoid captive user interfaces
- If possible, make a program a filter
- Allow the User to modify the environment.
- Use lower case and keep it short.
- Save Trees.
- Silence is golden.
- Think parallel.
- The sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
- Look for the 90 percent solution.
- Think hierarchically.
Adapted from the book: "The Unix Philosopy"
by Mike Garantz, Digital Press, 1995.
Links and Books
Links | Books |
- Kernighan and Pike: The Unix programming environment
- Kirk Waingrow, Unix hints and Hacks