For a finite-dimensional Lie algebra
, let
be the space of
-forms on
. Taking cues from the Lie algebra of
left-invariant vector fields on a Lie group, one defines the
is the infinite-dimensional Lie algebra
of vector fields
on a manifold
, the formula (4) still makes sense,
but the space of all alternating forms
is too large for its
cohomology to be computable. Gelfand and Fuks proposed
putting a topology, the
topology, on
, and computing instead the cohomology of
the continuous alternating
forms on
. The Gelfand-Fuks cohomology of
is the
cohomology of the complex
of continuous forms. They
hoped to find in this way new invariants of a manifold. As an example, they
computed the Gelfand-Fuks cohomology of a circle.
It is not clear from the definition that the Gelfand-Fuks cohomology is a
homotopy invariant. In [71] Bott and Segal proved that the Gelfand-Fuks
cohomology of a manifold
is the singular cohomology of a space
functorially constructed from
. Haefliger [H] and Trauber gave a very
different proof of this same result. The homotopy invariance of the
Gelfand-Fuks cohomology follows. At the same time it also showed that the
Gelfand-Fuks cohomology produces no new invariants.